



NexoTalk is a social network built in MERN stack. During the development of this application, I used various libraries, such as ExpressJS, PeerJS, JWT, Bcrypt, etc. I also learned various things, such as implementing real-time communication, video calls, but also about the impact large images can have on the application. Fixing re-renders,optimizing images and limiting the amount of requests to the server were some challenges I dealt with during development.

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ThreeJS Environment

This website is a simulation of a natural environment.The user can change the position of the animal, its rotation,aswell as the zoom level. I've used Three.JS library to build this website.Some challenges I faced were finding out how to work with DAT.gui and working with renders.

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In this project I've used NextJS,Prisma ORM and Kitsu API.Users can like/dislike animes and filter based on certain keywords. The liked animes will be displayed on a different page (favorites).I am actively working on this project and always trying to improve performance and apply best practices.

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Linux command - ccwc

Learned how to make a linux command which counts the number of bytes,number of words and lines from a given text file.This project is still in progress as I am planning to add more features.

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